2025 Correction Officer I (May)

  • Commonwealth of Massachusetts
  • Boston, Massachusetts
  • Part Time

202 5 Correction Officer I Examination

This examination is being administered by the Human Resources Division (HRD) to establish an eligible list from which to fill Correction Officer I vacancies in the Massachusetts Department of Correction (DOC) .

Written Examination Date: Ma y 16 , 2025

Application Period Begins : March 17, 2025

Application Deadline : April 22, 2025

Examination Fee: $75

Written examination locations: Various sites across the Commonwealth.

Notice to Appear for Examination: Approximately two weeks prior to examination date

Examination Information

Application: All applications and examination processing fees must be received by April 22, 2025 . You will receive two confirmation emails when you have completed the process: one email confirming your application has been received, and one email confirming your payment has been received. Your application is not complete until you have received both confirmation emails. If you have not submitted payment of the examination processing fee on or before April 22, 2025 , your application will not be accepted.

Note: Although the online application system allows candidates to elect to receive notification by email or regular mail, please be advised that HRD utilizes only email for all notices to candidates .

Fee Waiver: The examination processing fee may be waived for candidates receiving or who have received certain state or federal public assistance , or unemployment insurance during any portion of the previous 12 months leading up to the examination date, May 16, 2025 . Fee Waiver Forms are available on our website ( Fee Waiver Form ). This form should be completed and supporting documentation must be scanned and attached to the application. All fee waiver forms must be submitted on or before April 22, 2025.

Current Military Personnel: All military personnel who, in connection with current service, have military orders that indicate their unavailability due to military service on the examination date, must submit an application and examination processing fee and request a makeup examination in writing, with a copy of your military orders attached on or before April 22, 2025. Please include in your request your email address, daytime base phone number and/or name and phone number of a friend or family member with whom you have regular contact and entrust with your personal communication. Requests filed after April 22, 2025, must be accompanied by a DD214 showing discharge within six months of the request and dates of active service that include the entire application period. For more information, visit Military makeup exam instructions for Civil Service jobs | Mass.gov

Makeup Examination: With the exception of current military personnel, as described above, no candidate has a right to a makeup examination due to personal or professional conflicts on the testing date. Candidates are advised to consider this before applying for the examination. If you file an examination application by the application deadline but are unable to appear for the examination on the examination date due to an emergency or unanticipated hardship, you may request a makeup examination by filing a written request with verifiable documentation to the HRD no later than seven calendar days from the examination date. HRD reserves the right to approve or deny your request. HRD may require an additional examination processing fee upon approval of your request.

Reasonable Accommodations: If you need reasonable accommodations due to a documented impairment, or medical condition, you must fill out the Testing Accommodations Request Form and submit supporting documentation as outlined on the form from a qualified professional detailing what type of accommodation you require at the examination site. The form and supporting documentation must be scanned and attached to the application or emailed to ... no later than four weeks prior to May 16, 2025. Without such a letter, we cannot guarantee that we will be able to grant your accommodation. This information is requested only to provide reasonable accommodation for examinations and will not be used for any other purposes.

Examination Requirements:

Examples of Essential Duties for a Correction Officer I : Under direct supervision of Correction Officers or other employees of higher grade: Maintains custodial care and control of inmates by escorting or transporting them under restraint, patrolling facilities, making periodic rounds, head counts and security checks of buildings, grounds and inmate quarters, monitoring inmates' movements and whereabouts, and guarding and directing inmates during work assignments to maintain order and security in a correctional institution; observes conduct and behavior of inmates; develops working relationships with inmates by referring individuals to appropriate supportive services; prepares monthly evaluation reports; performs related operational duties and performs related work as required.

Working Conditions : Correction Officers may work in a correctional facility, alone in an isolated area; may work varied shifts, weekends, holidays, or nights and are subject to a standby (on call) work status; may be subjected to verbal and physical abuse from others; may be required to interact with people who are under physical and/or emotional stress; stand and walk for prolonged periods of time; are subject to injury from firearms; may work under exposure to adverse weather conditions; may travel for job-related purposes; and may be required to furnish private transportation for reimbursable job-related travel .

Written Examination : The written examination will be designed to test, where practicable, the following abilities which have been established as qualifications for the position: ability to gather information; ability to read, understand, explain and apply the laws, rules, regulations; ability to write concisely and accurately to extract facts; ability to analyze and determine the applicability of quantitative and qualitative data; ability to maintain accurate records in Inmate Management System (IMS). The following study material is available on the Examination Preparation Guides and Reading Lists page of our website.

Entrance Requirements for Correction Officer I :

Age Requirement : Pursuant to the provisions of Massachusetts General Law (MGL) Ch. 125, 4 , this examination is open to persons who have reached the age of 19 as of the date of the examination; however, you must be 21 years of age in order to be appointed. Candidates must provide proof of birth date to satisfy this requirement prior to consideration for appointment.

Education Requirement: As of the date of appointment, candidates must have either a high school diploma or equivalency certificate approved by the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education or three years of experience in the armed forces of the United States with last release or discharge under honorable conditions.

Credit for Employment/Experience: Pursuant to the provisions of MGL Ch. 31, 22, individuals may apply to receive credit for employment or experience in the position title of Correction Officer I . You must claim this credit by completing the applicable section of the application. All claims must be verified by supporting documentation, which must provide specific details of any employment or experience you have in the examination title as a Correction Officer I , including dates of service and, if part-time, total number of hours worked. The supporting documentation must be on original letterhead with an original signature from the hiring authority where the employment or experience occurred. Credit for employment or experience is applicable only to individuals who achieve a passing score on the examination and cannot be added to a failing examination score. Claims must be submitted during the application period; supporting documentation must be scanned and attached to the application or sent to .... Supporting documentation must be submitted no later than April 22, 2025 .

Note: Resumes will not be accepted as sufficient supporting documentation.

P reference Claims Correction Of ficer I :

Candidates can submit a claim for the following preferences.

  • Veterans' Preference: Click on this link for further information- Veterans' Preference Eligibility .

  • Disabled Veteran Status : Click on this link for further information- Disabled Veteran's Preference Eligibility .

  • Preference For the Children of C orrection Officers : The son or daughter of a Correction Officer employed in Massachusetts who was killed or died of injuries received in the performance of duty, or who was permanently disabled as a result of injuries received in the performance of duty, is entitled to certification preference under the provisions of Chapter 402 of the Acts of 1985. If you believe you are eligible for this preference, you must claim this credit by completing the applicable section of the application .

Additional Requirements for Correction Officer I candidates: Visit Careers | Mass.gov for more information.

Updating Information : Candidates are responsible f or maintaining accurate contact information . For information on how to update your information, visit Update Your Account .

Refunds : There will be no refund of the examination processing fee unless the examination is cancelled by HRD.

Private School or Service : HRD does not recommend or endorse any private school, service, or publisher offering preparation and/or publications for examinations and is not responsible for their advertising claims.

Salary : Inquiries concerning salary should be directed to the Municipality at the time of employment consideration.

Supplemental Information :

Women, minorities, veterans, and people with disabilities are encouraged to apply.

For more information or inquiries about this and other civil service examinations, visit www.mass.gov/civilservice or email the Civil Service Unit at ...

The Civil Service Unit's office hours are Monday through Friday, 8:45am 5:00pm, except holidays. Inquiries may also be made to the Civil Service Unit during these hours at the following numbers:

Boston area: ... or ...

Toll-Free Within Massachusetts: ...

TTY Number: (617) 878-976 2

Job ID: 469258402
Originally Posted on: 3/14/2025

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