Law Enforcement Hiring Success Stories

See how we’ve connected companies of all sizes with the right hires.

We find that more and more of our applicants are responding to our online listings and the applicants really appreciate the convenience of the online application.

Christa Schleiner
Santa Cruz County Personnel Dept.

The job postings were extremely successful. We are pleased with the results and the credentials of the applicants. Our needs were fulfilled within 24 hours of the postings. Great job IHire.

Brian Donahue
Exec Protec, LLC

This service has been very fruitful for us. We received resumes the first day our listing was posted and continue to receive new resumes almost daily, particularly from current LEO's seeking relocation. We intend to continue our listing on

Jim Reynolds
Brevard Police Testing Center

We recently posted a job on iHire and were VERY PLEASED with the response. Not only did we receive numerous hits, but they all were right on target!!

George Boyette, Owner

I've received 8 applicants on the first day of your service...before this advertisement our prior applicant numbers were slim. I'm excited about reviewing the new inquiries. Thank you.

Joseph Shoemaker
Sand Point Department of Public Safety

We were very satisfied with the service and resumes we received. Thank you.

Sharon Bleibtreu, Human Resource Manager